Thursday, 5 November 2015


Observant is a person who paying a close attention to a certain job and the surrounding. In the entrepreneur context, an observant trait is shown by Giorgio Armani who is an iconic clothing designer. Giorgio Armani has now become the most popular names in fashion. The Armani brand now not only sells clothes but includes makeup, housewares, books and hotels.

In July 1975, Giorgio Armani with his best friend, Sergio Galeotti has become a business partner. Their first collection was men’s clothing but then they introduced women’s collection in the next year. The women’s collections from Armani receive a positive feedback from consumers. Giorgio Armani is very observant in making clothes because there was a time his clothes was revolutionary by introducing a more natural fit and using a more subtle colour palette. His clothes was popular not only in Europe but also in America until 1980. He also provided many wardrobe to the television series until many of the actors started to wear his clothes, Armani.
In 1980s, many business professionals wear Armani as the symbol of success. Armani had suffered a great loss when his business partner, Galeotti passed away because of AIDS. Armani did not gave up and showed the world that he was just as talented as an executive as he was as a designer. Armani once said to In Style magazine that it is difficult for a designer to make one dress, perfectly, to satisfy only one customer.

As Giorgio Armani was an observant man, his brand now can be found in major department stores around the world along with 500 exclusive retails stores. Hotels have become Armani’s latest venture. In 2010, he opened his first hotel in Dubai, and another one is expected to open in Milan. Armani has nearly tapped into every available design opportunity at this point in his career. Despite his great success, Armani remains modest about his efforts. After more than three decades in the business, Armani has enjoyed longevity as a designer experienced by few others.

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